
You don’t have a lot of time in Berlin, but you’d like to see the most important historical sights of Germany’s capital? In just two hours and using the latest historical research, our expert guides will show you the wild, tragic story of this great city.

Stroll through the Brandenburg Gate, stand above the remains of Hitler’s bunker and cross the Cold War frontier at Checkpoint Charlie. Hear the secret stories of Berlin that make the past come to life!

Please note, this tour is a shorter “express” version of our classic 3.5-4hr Discover Berlin tour, with a focus on Berlin´s contemporary history. As a result, some sites do overlap so it is not recommended to book both tours.

Delve into the contemporary history of Berlin on a guided walking tour of Berlin’s most iconic historical sights. Discover sights like the Reichstag, various WWII memorials such as the Sinti and Roma Memorial and the Holocaust Memorial, and see the remaining parts of the Berlin Wall as well as the infamous Checkpoint Charlie. Learn about the events of the Second World War, how the city was impacted during the Cold War era, and the reunification of Germany after 1989. Hear stories of those who helped shape the city into what it is today. Led by an expert guide, this two-hour tour will allow you to dive deep into Berlin's fascinating past.

Tourdates: daily at 3 p.m.
Meetingpoint: Brandenburg Gate Tourist Info
Language: english

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